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Georgia Tumor Registrars Association {GATRA}

  • The Georgia Tumor Registrars Association (GATRA) is a non-profit professional organization for cancer registrars and other allied health professionals interested in cancer data. The membership is composed of registrars and other professionals with involvement or interest in various aspects of registry operations.

  • Founded in 1976, GATRA is dedicated to promoting the ideals of the Cancer Registrar as a professional member of the health care team and to offer greater service to physicians, health care administrators, and ultimately the patient with cancer.

  • To promote these ideals, GATRA shall:

      • Promote the professional development of individuals in the cancer registry profession.
      • Provide educational and scientific programs for cancer registrars.
      • Establish channels of communication for all working in the field of cancer data management.
      • Publish newsletters with pertinent information of interest to GATRA members, which will help advance the cancer registry profession.
      • Convene at least one meeting annually of the membership for purposes of conducting business, professional development, and continuing education of the members.

  • We welcome you to learn more about our organization and ways that you can participate in the mission of GATRA.

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