Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
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Join us for a jam-packed interactive day of learning. We have a team of ODS Professionals bringing a variety of experience, knowledge and background to the table. This workshop is focused on providing education based on the NCRA requirements for both Closed book and Open Book areas. The sessions will consist of presentations/mini lectures along with visual learning to include scenarios, mock quiz questions and answers, round table discussion, a newly certified ODS testimony/“what to expect”, and more!
Final agenda with times/topics to be finalized soon.
Closed Book – first half of the day: Legal and Ethical Aspects in the Cancer Registry Profession, Cancer Registry Operations, Cancer Registry Identification, CoC Standards, STORE Manual, Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Rules, and review of an Abstract (text/code validation).
Open Book – second half of the day: Solid Tumor Rules, Summary Stage, AJCC/TNM, Grade, Surgery Coding, Radiation Coding, Other Cancer Treatment Coding, and Round Table Discussion.
Special thanks to the ODS Committee: Candis Sanders, Bridget Weiss, Sheree Holloway, Kandace West, Lisa Connor, Janice Boone, Elaine Turlington, Elizabeth Tollitson, Flora Beard, Nancy Ellor, Kioka Jenkins, Kathryn Zaitz, Den E. Bloodworth, Colleen Vann