Georgia Tumor Registrars Association {GATRA} |
GATRA is open to all individuals employed, previously employed, or interested in the cancer registry profession. No person, otherwise qualified for membership in this association, will be denied membership in this association because of race, religion, sex, origin, or political affiliation.
Classification of Membership
Active Member An active member is one whose primary occupation is involved with any or all facets of oncology data management and administration thereof and who has paid the current dues in full by the annual deadline. An active member in good standing is entitled to all membership privileges including the right to vote, hold office or chair a committee. The right to vote in the current year's election is restricted to those with dues paid in full by January 31st of the current year.
Honorary Life Member Past Presidents of GATRA automatically become Honorary Life Members upon retirement from active employment. They retain all privileges of active membership. They may hold office and chair committees. Honorary Life Members are exempt from paying annual dues.
Honorary Member A person who has made a significant contribution to the profession of Cancer Registry Administration or has rendered distinguished services in related fields may be elected to Honorary Membership by a majority of active members present and voting at an annual business meeting. Candidates for Honorary Membership are nominated by the membership and/or the Executive Board. An Honorary Member does not possess the rights or privileges of other classes of membership but is exempt from paying annual dues.
Associate/Student Member An associate/student member is any person interested in GATRA; someone who has retired from active employment in cancer data management/administration, or is a current cancer registry student. An associate/student member is entitled to participate in activities of the Association and serve on committees but not entitled to vote, hold office or chair a committee.